21 October 2023 - Cabbages and celebrity run-ins

This Saturday, we’re coming in hotter than a shy British lemur who’s made an Aussie match… If you have 5 favourite songs that tell your life story, a favourite way to enjoy Vegemite or anything else you want to share with us, hit reply.

⏱️ Reading time: 7 minutes

🤷‍♀️ IDK: How he got all those dogs to stay still to have their picture taken?

Prefer us in your ears?

Don’t be surprised when you see that this podcast has been rebranded. It’s now called the Weekly Wrap - same show, same great talent 🙄. Just a new name - and go…

Today's listening time: 25 minutes

This week's top stories

There were 2 huge stories at the top of the list this week. And no, there was no prize for guessing what they were…

Streem: Number of Print, Radio, TV and Online mentions - 13/10/23 to noon 20/10/23

1. A deepening crisis in the Middle East - The latest is that 2 hostages taken by Hamas from Israel have been released - they are Americans Judith and Natalie Raanan. And 20 trucks remain poised on Egypt’s only border with Gaza, waiting for the promised reopening that will allow the first shipments of aid to Gazans.

2. Indigenous Voices fall silent - You’re probably all over the news that the Voice referendum ended up with a ‘No vote last weekend. The latest national count from the Electoral Commission: 39.3% voted “Yes’, 60.7% voted ‘No.

3. C’mon Aussie… - If you’re interested in the Cricket World Cup that’s underway in India, pace yourself. They don’t even get to the finals for another 3 and a bit weeks… We’ve had a rocky start to the tournament although the Aussies had a win over Pakistan overnight putting us into the top 4 teams.

4. What Rugby World Cup? - Look, it’s great that it’s crunch time in France, but the Wallabies didn’t progress so whatever…

5. A new government for New Zealand - The Ardern/Hipkins Labour Government was shown the door in Kiwiland at their general election last Saturday. And get ready to say kia ora to the National Party and incoming PM Christopher Luxon. He’ll need to form a coalition with a minor party or 2 - that won’t be wrapped up until all the votes are counted by early November.

Picture of the week


They’re not two blokes shootin’ the breeze… US President Joe Biden and PM Benjamin Netanyahu were together for this week’s unprecedented visit. And on his return to America, Biden addressed the nation. “In Israel, I saw a people who are strong, determined, resilient and also angry, in shock and in deep, deep pain. I also spoke with President Abbas, the Palestinian Authority, and reiterated that the United States remains committed to the Palestinian people’s right to dignity and to self-determination. The actions of Hamas terrorists don’t take that right away,” Biden said.

Question of the week

The question: What’s your celebrity encounter story?

The story: Actor Nicolas Cage surprised locals in the Western Oz city of Busselton this week when he was spotted buying eggs and kimchi in an Asian grocery store.

Hannah Norton, connecting on a deep level - “I casually bumped into Snoop Dogg while on a high school trip to NYC. I was holding an ice cream, and all he said to me was ‘oh you've got an ice cream.’ We took a photo then parted ways - no hello or goodbye was ever muttered.”

Claire Melillo, cuddle bunny - “On my wedding night we were staying at Crown Towers. Coincidentally the same night as the Logies were on. We met Ed Sheeran in the lifts going up to our room, still in my wedding dress, where he congratulated us and gave me a big hug.”

Alexandra Rossi, it was a different time… - “Whilst scaling Uluru in the 90’s, I passed James Belushi who was on his way down. He was very sweaty but holding a stinky fat cigar between his teeth!”

Squiz Recommends

Reading - We thought it was time to go get some new glasses, but it turns out it’s not just us… Why are text messages on TV so impossible to read? It’s a great question, and here are some answers.

Getting a bit teary - Over Julia Baird’s column about her grief over the death of her ex-boyfriend Morgan Mellish. He was an award-winning Financial Review journo when he died 16 years ago in a plane crash in Indonesia’s Yogyakarta - he was travelling there to cover a visit by then Foreign Minister Alexander Downer. It was sad then, and Julia’s telling of it now, well, we’re tearing up again…

Watching - Take 5 With Zan Rowe on ABC iView. She’s back on the telly for a second season and coming out the gates hard with Natalie Imbruglia and Oasis legend Noel Gallagher. Zan is so good at what she does - it’s a delight to watch her ply her trade even if you’re not into the guest.

Writing - To a new pen pal... We’re big fans of ConnectedAU and the work they’re doing to combat loneliness in Australia. Their Letterbox Project matches you up with a new friend to write to, and already nearly 80,000 people have found a stamp and made it to the post office. We’re 2 letters in with our new pen pal, and that feeling of receiving a handwritten letter - just too good. Check out how you can get involved here.

In the Kitchen

We’re big Ottolenghi fans (as you know…), but even we questioned the idea of a ‘herby cabbage pudding’... We had some feta to use up so took a gamble - and it turned out great. Think of it as a kind of fancy quiche or frittata. It can be eaten alone or as a side, and best of all, it’s cooked in just one dish…

TCabbages - more than just a leafy face…

What we Squized this week

Your Squiz Shortcut to the Voice referendum result - We cut through the clutter to bring insights about the numbers and what could be next. Read it/listen to it here.

Speaking of cutting through the clutter… - As you know, Uber is a partner of ours. And this isn’t a paid spot - we just want to give their partnership with Australian Red Cross a plug. If you’re living in Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane or Perth metro areas, you can get your clothes picked up and delivered to the nearest Red Cross shop for free using Uber’s package service. That’s happening today - find out more here.

Squiz the Week

Saturday - It’s Children’s Week - this year there’s a focus on the right of children to enjoy childhood. And if you’re feeling youthful, it’s also International Day of the Nacho

Sunday - We’re not shouting it’s CAPS LOCK DAY

Monday - PM Anthony Albanese heads off for a state visit to Washington DC. And it’s the start of Melbourne Fashion Week

Tuesday - Britney Spears’ memoir The Woman in Me is released

Wednesday - Israel’s Ambassador in Australia Amir Maimon addresses the National Press Club. And prep your toast for Vegemite’s 100th birthday.

Thursday - PM Albanese gets his best table manners out at his White House State Dinner (Wednesday night US time).

Friday - Bottoms up it’s International Champagne Day

Let’s get Squizzical

Reckon you know which sport Aussies associate the word ‘football’ with (according to a survey taken during a well-publicised women’s sporting event hosted in Oz a month or so back…)? Have a crack at the Squiz Quiz.


If you don’t follow @weratedogs on Insta, you’d better rectify that oversight ASAP… As the caption says, they tracked down the pic taken by the bloke shown here, and it is glorious.

We’re very social…

Add to your weekend to-do list: chuck us a follow.