23 March 2024 - Saturday Squiz

We feel like we’ve just hit a productivity roll, right in time for 2 short weeks to interrupt the flow… This Saturday, if you have a song stuck in your head, a challenge to traditional flavour combos, or any other thoughts for us, hit reply. 

⏱️ Reading time: 7 minutes

🎧 Get the Weekly Wrap podcast with Claire Kimball and Kate Watson

🤷‍♀️ IDK: How Easter crept up like that…

This week's top stories

A bit of a weird news week… All we know is after last week’s top 5 item noting singer Eric Carmen’s death, we’ve had Hungry Eyes on repeat. We’re even considering rewatching Dirty Dancing. Please send help…

Google Trends data from 16-22 March

1. Welcome to the AFL’s 19th team - They won’t take the field until 2028, but the Tasmania Devils were unveiled on Monday night. And blowing all expectations out of the water, 150,000 club memberships have been sold. The new club had hoped to sign 40,000 people up by October…

2. A qualified result - We’ve talked a lot about the Matildas in recent times so it’s only fair our soccer blokes get a shout-out… They beat Lebanon in their World Cup qualifier on Thursday night in Sydney - game 2 is still to come on Tuesday in Canberra.

3. Shaken and stirred… - The internet and group chats around the world went nuts after rumours that British actor Aaron Taylor-Johnson had been offered the role surfaced, but insiders said nope. Give him a shave and we can see it….

4. Trump doesn’t like the cut of Ambassador Rudd’s jib - But then again the former US president said he doesn’t know our former PM/current representative in America. Even one of Rudd’s former political opponents said hands off

5. The royals roll on… - It was another notable week for the Wales family with Princess Kate and Prince William caught going to the shops… This week, both PM Rishi Sunak and Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer said give the woman some room to recover…

It’s the Squiz Quiz…

Reckon you know what made landfall in the Top End this week? Have a crack at the Squiz Quiz.

Picture of the week

We mentioned the Tasmania Devils earlier. If you want to jump on the bandwagon, you can secure a founding membership for just $10…

Question of the week

What thrills you the most about living in Oz?

Yeh, there’s nothing quite like the beaches and wide open space… But also, what about our coffee? This is what Squizers had to say…

Found the Aussie gold - “I’m a blow-in from the UK but we’ve raised our kids here - they’re as Aussie as a Bunnings sausage sizzle, and we wouldn’t leave now if you paid us. The beaches and wide open spaces help that decision.”

And email header… IYKYK - “It's where my people are - home is where the heart is - and I mean my WIDER people. Aussies are generally open, friendly, see the humour in a situation, and know that there is a song for every (I mean every) occasion.”

Not bad… - “I just spent 3 weeks and clocked up 3,225kms on a road trip along the east coast from Victoria to Queensland swimming at every beach along the way. Best damn holiday of my 73 years on this planet. I’m now planning to do the west coast. Paradise is where we live.”

Squiz Recommends

Reading - All That’s Left Unsaid* by Tracey Lein. It’s a mystery set in 90s Western Sydney during the height of the heroin epidemic and racial tensions fuelled by the surge in migrants from war-torn Asian countries. Not only is it a cracking read, but also a fascinating look at Australia's not-so-distant past.

Listening - The Daily podcast episode from the New York Times - Trump’s Plan to Take Away Biden’s Biggest Advantage. It made us rethink the narrative that the former president is a shoo-in to win the election in November…

Watching - All the Light We Cannot See on Netflix. It’s an adaptation of the 2014 book*, which we’ve recommended before. The episodes are long but the series is short, so we reckon that maths works out. 

*Buy using this link and The Squiz might get a little commission.


This Ottolenghi Mediterranean fried rice has all the classic elements that you look for in fried rice but with lemon and anchovy flavours. Trust us… It comes together in no time at all, and that’s why it’s a staple at out place.


What we Squized this week

A Squiz Shortcut on Tassie’s election - It’s being held today even though it wasn’t due until 2025… What’s that about? Opposing views over the build of the AFL stadium in Hobart, which is a critical part of the Tasmania Devils entering the national AFL comp in 2028. Yikes… Have a read or listen here

News Club on the Royals and the question of trust - First, this issue of trust in our institutions. And second, we found some illuminating coverage that you might have missed unless you dedicated quite a bit of time to find it. Have a read or listen here.

And Claire Kimball talked to ITV News royal producer Lizzie Robinson about how the game works. If you want to know more about the rules of engagement between the royals and the British press, this is the place to go. You can listen on Apple or Spotify.

Squiz the Week

Saturday - Happy democracy sausage day to Tasmania. And happy World Meteorological Day - BOM we see you

Sunday - The main event at the Australian Grand Prix begins at 3pm. You can also catch the Australian Open squash championship finals at 4pm, which are being played on a glass court in the Sydney CBD

Monday - The federal parliament resumes sitting in Canberra… And at 6pm you can catch the auction for Lee Lin Chin’s wardrobe 

Tuesday - CEO of WGEA Mary Wooldridge is presenting at the Press Club at 12.30pm on accelerating gender equality. And at 7.45pm the Socceroos are playing Lebanon in a 2026 World Cup qualifier in Canberra

Wednesday - Time to get your cost of living on with the release of February’s Monthly Consumer Price Index. And for a giggle, the Melbourne International Comedy Festival begins

Thursday - The Squiz heads off for the Easter long weekend, which means there will be no Squiz Today on Friday, no Saturday Squiz in your inbox or Weekly Wrap ep in your ears on Saturday…   

Friday - Beyonce ‘s new album - Cowboy Carter - drops. And it’s Good Friday

*All times in AEDT


Each Friday we go to the corners of the internet that no one really wants to go to find the best memes relating to our News Club topic. It’s a lot of fun. And while you’re there, give News Club a follow.